
For the past 15 years, I have facilitated ideation processes for large enterprises and disruptive start-ups.


The workshops are developed to take siloed knowledge and insights each stakeholder has often been sitting on for years and map them together through engaging collaborative and co-creative exercises.

It’s a process of discovery. By connecting insights to research and data to human behaviour, we can visualise a journey to see the gaps and identify real opportunities for innovation and transformation.

Leaning on my anthropological background, combined with professional experience in branding, product innovation and development, solutions design, and, operations, I am uniquely placed not only to help teams ideate but to develop an actionable production plan and go-to-market strategy.

I live for that buzz at the end of a session where we sit back and take stock of how complex the problem once felt, but how clear it now is mapped out in front of us.

Rosa is a sharp-minded, personable professional with a wealth of skills under her belt... I would not hesitate to work with Rosa on pretty much any project!Jamie Andrews, Serial Entrepreneur (Founder Squaddle, Loco2...)